Sunday, March 04, 2007

I've Been Bad...

So apparently, while I've been doing well with one of my Lenten disciplines, this particular discipline (posting to this blog twice a week) has been lacking. Here it is over a week from my last post and yet I'm posting for the first time. Bad, bad, bad. Well, I must strive to do better.

So, while I've been busy and have had many thoughts lately, I can't seem to think of any at the moment to write about. The weather is one thing that I suppose has been interesting as of late. It's been an odd winter here. First it was really warm and for the first time in years (so I'm told) we didn't have snow up here on Christmas. Then sometime in early January it turned bitterly cold and snowed, and snowed, and snowed some more. We weren't above freezing for at least a month and a half. Two or three weeks ago we had a ton of snow and the storm pretty much shut down everything. Then last week it warmed up and rained - melting a good chunk of the 20+ inches of snow and actually showing ground in many places. But then yesterday it cooled off yet again and last night and this morning we got several more inches of snow (several more than was forecasted too). All of this is particularly interesting given the fact that the groundhog predicted that spring would arrive soon. =)

I think most people around here are feeling spring fever. I am not yet amazingly enough. Last year about this time in Columbus, I distinctly remember the first warm, sunny day and thinking that I would very much like it to warm up even more. But right now I'm still enjoying the snow and cold - I'm sure I'll enjoy it when it warms up a bit, but for some reason it's not of great importance to me that it be now. I don't know, I guess I'm kind of odd. =)

In other news I've been preaching a lot lately. Two of the past three Sundays as well as Ash Wednesday at noon, last Wednesday, and this coming Wednesday I'll preach again. It's been good, but it seems like every time I turn around I'm writing another sermon or homily. I suppose that's one thing that I can expect if I'm a solo pastor in my first call.

I've also managed to get myself into a ton of stuff ministry wise right about now, but I'm excited about the possibilities. I'm going to be starting a young adult ministry in Streetsboro (about ten miles south of here) and what may happen with that is exciting to me. Plus, our Streetsboro Aurora Mission Strategy (SAMS) team has organized a music night at a local coffee shop down there and I'm looking forward to how that will go. I think we're moving in a good direction for Streetsboro. I'm also involved with a group working to improve support for first call pastors and we just had a really good meeting on Friday. So that's exciting. I'm in the midst of Lent and that means Wednesday mid-week Lenten services for me too. That's been good (but we've only had one so far). =) Plus, there is the usual stuff to do around Lord of Life which is fun.

So that's what's going on with me... I'll try to see about writing more in the next couple days. Maybe about some thought provoking topic. I haven't done a whole lot of that for a while.


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