Monday, March 12, 2007


I am totally in awe of the past five days! I am in awe of the generosity of people - of people's willingness to give for a night in a cardboard box. But really, their generosity to help those who need it most, those who don't have houses in Biloxi.

Pastor Rob, my internship supervisor, just came back from Biloxi on Saturday and used a lot of his experience for his sermon yesterday. He told of one of the families for whom they were building a house - of their comments to him. The owner told Rob, "Pastor, if it wasn't for you and your group, then we wouldn't have a home. We would live the rest of our lives in a mobile home."

This is why I'm sleeping in a box. This is why people in the congregation are making things and selling them. This is why people are hosting dinner parties and asking for donations. This is why kids are making noodles to sell or selling their coats and other clothes. This is why people continue to put their lives on hold for a week, a month, or a year and travel to the Gulf Coast to rebuild homes and lives.

This is why...

And this is why I am in awe of the past five days. At the moment, my pledge total is up to $2779 and every day it keeps going up. I'm now getting pledges from people I don't even know. That's that much closer to another house for somebody who otherwise wouldn't have one.

Let me say, "Thank You." Thank you for your donations! Thank you for spreading the word - for telling the story. Thank you for telling the world the good news. Thank you for your commitment - for helping to build another house. Thank you!


1 comment:

Kevan D Penvose said...


Thanks for leading mission by personal example. I'm inspired by your faith.