Friday, June 30, 2006


I was made to be immersed in the Word.

The first week or two of this past month was good. For a while I enjoyed not having much to do. I enjoyed breathing again, getting more sleep, and catching up with friends I did not have much time to talk to during the course of the school year. I enjoyed doing what I was not able to do while I was in school, relaxing. But after a week or two, I was done with it and ready to move on, but I was in denial about that. Since the school year ended just before Memorial Day, I've read three 500-page novels and Giving to God (another Mark Powell Book). I've also watched two full seasons of 24 (24 one-hour episodes each) which catches me up to the end of the current season. I have also managed to watch most of the first season of House again (about 16 hour long episodes) in addition to several movies. Even with all this fun stuff I was doing, I felt kind of lost. I was bored some of the time and no softball game, novel, movie, or TV episode was going to cure it either. I felt like I had not purpose and could not wait for July when I would have something to do again.

I realized some time in the past week that part of the problem was that I was made to be immersed in the Word. Because God stuff is what I do all the time (or so it would seem), I felt like I needed a break from it. Even though I continued to go to worship, I wasn't taking the time I needed to do devotions or flat out read the Bible. I wasn't thinking theologically at all. I wasn't questioning things like I normally do. I was stalled out in the emptiness of the fun stuff thinking that I needed more of a break and fighting to return to that for which I was made. But I realized that I needed to spend more time with the Word. I needed to return to that for which I was made. I needed to spend more time with God. I was missing it and realized it. It's helped so far. I feel like I have refound my purpose. Look for more from me in the realm of theology and questions as I expect to be thinking through a lot more in the immediate future. =)


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